Emo Traitor Fast Aggro

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Emo Traitor Fast Aggro 3 2 2 2.0

BlueValeGames 45

The goal of this deck is to be both budget friendly on my wallet and in resources to play. The most expensive card in the deck is the $14 VIbroknife, Note that some of these came out of the Two Player Game, of which I bought two copies of since the singles for them are not readily available. YMMV on cost. My point is there's no $25-$50+ cards in here and it's still devastating.

I took this deck 4-0 in my local store tournament last week. Only one deck was a challenge, the rest were pretty much obliterated. FN died on two games, but both were alive on the other two still. Other play testing showed it do decimate my opponents decks that were known winners.

All weapons or upgrades cost 2. You can get one out every round, sometimes two depending on the resource situation. If you can claim the battlefield early, do so, that's one extra resource. Make sure to take advantage of Tactical Mastery and Dug In with that 1 extra resource from the battlefield claims, or pair the extra resource with one resource die you rolled to get one more die card out. Getting these cheap cards out fast is key.

Most people will go after FN first, so shield him up. Make sure to take advantage of the Crossguard Lightsaber on Kylo if you happen to get it. It's worth more than if you put it on FN for the free rolls. You really have to completely rethink this deck from the old Vader Traitor combo, New Kylo brings in more interesting game play that can be devastating when used right. Kylo is going to win the game for you most of the time, so keep the focus on FN during your gameplay tabletalk , keep FN alive while you quietly build Kylo up. In all games played FN was always the threat to each opponent over Kylo. Kylo won the game every time though.

You will want to mulligan for Electrostaff first, and Vibroknife second. If you can get Electrostaff out on both FN and Kylo early on, you will be unstoppable.

Something important to note is that 50% of every single die card, including the characters, are damage. If you get a bad roll, discard and reroll anything that is not melee damage, you get that high 50% chance of rolling damage again. If you still get a bad roll, discard and do it again. Also note that every dice card, except the two characters, have no cost sides to them. Electrostaff on each character will make both the higher damage cost sides of FN and Kylo free. Most players aren't aware of this yet or don't pay attention it, so they will see you have no money and not try to mitigate the cost sides.

The disadvantages of this deck are that all dice cards cost 2 or less, so they are susceptible to Electroshock and Imperial Inspection. I don't often play anyone with Imperial Inspection, and there's only 2 Electroshock cards in a deck max, and only for Yellow, so you should still be able to overpower even those cards, or just plan that during a tournament, you just may lose that particular game. Just keep steady with the discard and rerolls to attempt to overpower the use of these two cards.

You can easily roll 6-9 damage on round one with just one upgrade out. You will then consistently roll 6-12 damage every round once you get some dice cards out.

I can't stress enough on the discard and rerolls. You should be able to kill one character per round or nearly kill them. You can then split damage the next rounds to finish one off and start on the next one.

Its a very different way to play, you will want to save those mitigation cards and everything tells you to save them, but if you can kill someone off, then you need less and less mitigation as the game goes on. Of course YMMV depending who you are playing against, such as heavy vehicles pumping out heavy damage, so discard wisely, you may just have to leave die unplayable to mitigate the new EaW vehicles everyone is playing with now. But don't be afraid to discard that last good mitigation card to attempt to roll in one more key piece of damage to kill someone off or mostly kill someone off.

Don't forget to use Kylo's ability each round to call out a card color. It's just free damage if you can land the right color. Don't forget about the Crossguard Lightsaber ability on Kylo, it's free damage. Take out some shields or something with it to prep for your huge damage rolls.

The rest of the deck is just built around zero cost mitigation. I could use some tweaking here, but so far I seem to keep using all the cards most rounds. If my opponent claims the battlefield first, I will then ignore all mitigation cards in my hand and just discard and reroll the entire hand out for 100% damage on all dice. The look on your opponents face when you god roll damage on every round is quite fun.

Dug In - is priceless, its 3 shield for 1cost, its very important if you can get it played on whoever is taking on damage. I may add a 2nd one back in now.

Tactical Mastery - Try to use this on turn two of your round. If you can go first, roll someone out, IF it's a good roll, leave it, let your opponent take a turn. then you can play Tactical Mastery to roll the 2nd char out and claim some fast damage. Play this in combo with Vibroknife for one more free turn in case you need to re-roll before claiming damage.

Cards I need to swap out: Roll On and No Surrender. I can put in more mitigation cards. As You Command has come in handy once or twice, but I think it would be better served as a Mitigation card instead. Again, you're just going to be discarding and rerolling to claim mass damage, so single die manipulation cards don't have much place in this deck.

I hope this write up was found to be useful. I'll take any comments and suggestions as well to help craft it into the ultimate budget aggro deck.

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