Rend and Tear

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adran06 254

Mulligan Priorities

1) Force Rend

2) Blackmail

3) Temptation

4) Chance Cube

5) Con Artist

The deck is built as a hybrid of Mill and Damage (through Talzin/Hondo/Rend/Throw). While Mill is the primary victory method, the deck has no problem blasting the enemy with damage.

Focus on getting Rend out as soon as possible, and use it to destroy an enemy's Dice permanently. This reduces their ability to damage you, thus giving you plenty of time to either do damage, or mill them, without worrying as much about them fighting back.

Crime Lord is also an invaluable card as it can turn all the resources you gain into insta-kill, giving you yet ANOTHER victory option.

If you claim Outer Rim Outpost - Nal Hutta, you gain a , and the draw has minimal impact on you. However, if your opponent claims it, the draw as just as effective as making them Mill, thus helping YOU more than it does them, and the probably just becomes one of yours thanks to Hondo!

Don't be afraid to claim, but if the opponent claims, it helps you more than it hurts you.

Abandon All Hope is one of your super-ace cards. When you play it, the opponent has to either give up their entire hand (a PAINFUL loss, as that means drawing 5 cards next turn, effectively making the card "mill 5"), or lose their resources, thus guaranteeing damage from Hondo! No matter what, you win.

Buy Out and Force Rend are your key cards for leveraging your high . Use them when your s are high for devastating effect.

And best of all, using Temptation will most often mean you gain 2 more cards to help you either control the opponent, or devastate their deck. If they choose to draw, they're milling themselves AND you gain 2 resources to help you mill them more. Either choice helps you tremendously.

Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch is mainly in the deck as a very cheap Blue Character, but her ability isn't to be ignored. On average, it will probably let you control the opponent's dice every other turn, if not more often. Even without that, she provides a fair amount of damage on her own, thus giving you support for a damage-victory.

Please share your thoughts and give feedback below!

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