Rey1 / eYoda / Padawan

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11 komentarzy

ForceSquad 346

Hi. I'm Matteo and i ask you to remove this list @ReconVs

ReconVs 2

Not sure how to sorry

ForceSquad 346

@ReconVs simply go to the decklist published and click the button "delete" in the high part of the page, on the right, near the copy and donwload button. Thanks

ReconVs 2

Sorry it only has edit (text and name only), copy and download on the published one of mine.

ForceSquad 346

Don't you have the list in your "my decks" section? Maybe here there is the delete button

ReconVs 2

I can delete it from my unpublished decks in My Decks, but the published one doesn't have that option.

ForceSquad 346

Can you try removing the one in your My Decks please? However thanks for your kindness

ReconVs 2

I did, it didn't work. Published decks aren't linked to my private ones. I messaged you with a screenshot on FB.

ForceSquad 346

Ok, probably is because the list you published is a copy of the one posted by the TO. Cannot find the message, but it's not a problem. Thanks for the help

ReconVs 2

No problem. I'd love a write up from your experience playing it tbh ... been wanting something with Rey 1 to work.

ForceSquad 346

For some infos about the deck you can pm me on Facebook