Poe2/Hondo with a personal touch

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Kroshtan 83

Rework of Poe2/Hondo. It's still a strong deck, though maybe outclassed by Yoda/Hondo. It plays real simple, just resolve those specials and deal that damage.

My current struggle is that I'd like to get the second Fast Hands back in, but I am unsure what to cut. So far, vandalize has benefited me the least, but it is so important versus maz's vault, since this shuts down Hondo. It also plays double duty against force speeds and even slows down vehicle decks.
The DL-44's feel clunky. They cost 3, so are not great in the opener, and there's no special on it either. The removal on play is just so good, though!
Locally, I feel Field Medic might be the weakest card. It's heal 2 for 1 cost compared to a lot of cards that give 3 shields for 1. But apart from that it does literally nothing versus mill decks, which I see a lot of. I'd really want to build the deck to be versatile though, and not focus on my mill opponents.
Can anyone help me decide what to cut for the second Fast Hands, or is Fast Hands just the worst card and am I correct in cutting the second one?

4 komentarze

Razelll 244

I would cut both DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistols and put in your second Fast Hands you want and a second Planetary Uprising.

Icezox 7

If the reason you play vandalize is just maz vault I would put rend instead. It's cheaper and grey for Kylo2

SW_Nerd 20

Maybe C-3P0 seems like it would be awesome in this deck. if he is allowed in standard

Kroshtan 83

@SW_Nerd While C-3PO gives you the possibility to resolve anything as a special, this deck has more than enough redundancy, either through focus or Poe's special, to resolve anything as special, sometimes all in one action. C-3PO would give it a little extra, still, but it would also slow down the deck. Usually that last die that couldn't be turned to a special side can be resolved by claiming.