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JeffLawST 249

My first foray into competitive destiny was a blast. I was debating in the past week to run Jabba with LSM but, I thought the Watto 2 disrupt side and ability to roll a die giving some soft mitigation was more valuable.

It was a great event run by Untapped games and HonestlySarcastic was our Judge so everything went really well. So thanks to Joe for doing that for the event.

Round 1 - DJ/ Talzin Order 66

I’ve spent countless hours testing on tts and some local live games. I hadn’t tested against an order 66 deck so I had much less knowledge of what was in the deck other than mitigation. basically that’s what happened. first action roll out for watto he got 66’d and I was not feeling good. fortunately I had a soresu and jump in hand so I knew I could get enough shields so the splash from DJ wouldn’t be felt as bad. I had an awesome turn 2 as she didn’t draw 66 and got 3 more money from watto. At that point it was game and just dropped to many upgrades. 1-0

Round 2 - IG88/ Phasma

A great deck run by my good friend John. I had teched in Mind Extraction for mainly Palp mirrors. but I drew it in my opening hand and I decided to keep. turn 1 got money with watto and I ended up dropping a jump and shatterpoint. he got kind of unlucky with some rolls but he did get 4 damage through shields. second turn he dropped a pulse cannon and I had 5 resources thanks to watto. so I played a soresu mastery to remove the cannon die and then I dropped the mind extraction on IG after the roll in. after that I shatterpointed his pulse cannon and it was game from that point 2-0

Round 3 - Reylo - On Hyperloops Stream

Okay. as I stated early I have tested a ton of palp and I’ve played against Reylo a bunch and hadn’t lost with the deck. I mulliganed 4 I believe this game so it wasn’t a good sign. then I drew 2 force storms force jump and a soresu training I think. Kevin took me to the wood shed. He put in 8 damage into Palp turn 1 and I had to bacta for 2 to stay alive. it was brutal. my opponent was just too good so taking my first loss of the day 2-1

Round 4 - eGrievous/ Aphra/ Sentinel

Played my good buddy CJ who played the deck really well. However this was a deck I felt had no chance against me because of the way I constructed the deck. I drew a Deja Vu and a Desperate measures in my opening hand. I was pretty fortunate and was able to DM his entourage and a BT1 so he couldn't really ramp at all early. The matchup ended up being close at the end but got the win thanks to insane force storm rolls to close out the game. 3-1

Round 5 - Vader/ Greedo

As its Rhode Island played another good buddy Kevin and its Vader. We had played the other day at another local store so I knew he was packing Mind Extraction. So I had a great opening hand including shatterpoint, jump, bartering and a motive. I decided to just pitch 1 and I ended up drawing my one Protective suit. I got lucky on watto and ended up with 6 resources. So I got to play everything in hand and when I get 3-4 upgrades I usually do well and force jump is really strong vs Vader. I hit 2 fatal blows in this game. 1 on vader for 8 to kill and a fatal on greedo to finish. 4-1

Round 6 - eAphra/ Grievous/ Sentinel - On Hyperloops Stream

Well...back on stream again and I swore to have a better result than my last matchup against Reylo. Its tough when you play national champ Nick Cuenca but I was gonna give it a good try. Again I thought the matchup was in my favor. His plays just seemed to carry much more weight than mine did... However in the end he was down to 4 cards in hand and in deck and I had 10 upgrades on palp. I forgot to roll in 2 dice as I was getting worried about the time but cant make those silly mistakes. my plan switched to mill after I stole his fickle and rolled discard. I wanted to change to discard on force storm but I needed to get to the next round I was trying to resolve dice as fast as possible. Unfortunately I lost on damage on time but my next card in deck was a bacta and I had the deja vu down so would've healed 10 and won on mill. But it was just amazing plays by Nick in the end and good win for him. 4-2

First Top Cut!

Top 8 - eGreivous/ Aphra/ Sentinel

 Played my good buddy CJ again and so we were each pretty familiar with each others decks. First game went entirely my way and rolled really crazy early and had a massive board by turn 2. The second game he took my battlefield and honestly felt really bad. I'd had won the battlefield roll every game and taken shields every game. SO I had to rely on drawing well and I didn't. I was only able to play 4 upgrades on palp and he was getting his supports down. I had a massive discard in turn 2 to remove a fist after he went to 5 upgrades. In the final turn he didn't really have many good rolls and was down to 2 cards in hand and I rolled watto into double discard to keep him 1 damage short on palp to keep the win. 2-0

Top 4 - Reylo - On Hyperloops Stream

Okay Reylo again and as I have said I tested a lot versus Reylo and hadn't lost with the deck. But, I had the privilege to play good buddy current US Champ Bobby Sapphire. It was another absolute mauling haha. He played extremely well and was just so deliberate with his plays. It is in this matchup where Entangle is sorely missed. I think I got hit with 15 million specials in our 2 games and me taking the shields just let him roll kylo more. 0-2

Well it was a great experience and I learned a lot. I hope I didn't get trolled to hard in the chat for my poor play on stream!!!

Thanks for reading

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