Jyn in to Win It?

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Jyn in to Win It? 5 3 5 1.0
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CanadianMerc 56

Update after some play replacing 2 Hidden Agenda with 2 Hit and Run.

Played locally to a 5-0 record so far, beating a Mace Trooper deck, Sabine Poe and Kylo/Phasma list.

Lots of variety in the game plan with devastating events from Jyn Erso - Reckless Operative or It's a Trap! and all the red upgrades. Overkill is filthy with all the focus on Poe’s dice.

Hit and Run into It's a Trap! is a devastating combo that can win a game on turn 2 very easily.

Think the deck is quite versatile, either your opponent goes after Poe in which case you get to use your strong events or they go after Jyn and you load up Poe for trap and focus bursts.

Love to hear feedback if more people play it!

4 komentarze

kbfresh147 77

Awesome to hear it's done so well! What were some of the MVP cards or plays you ended up making during your games? Also which character did people seem to go after first? I'd imagine Poe seems like the obvious target, especially coming as the elite character. If someone went after Jyn, was the deck more difficult to work with? That's the only thing I worry about is how many of the yellow events require spotting a yellow character.

CanadianMerc 56

@kbfresh147 every game I had Jyn Erso - Reckless Operative was the first target. There are a lot of spot yellow cards but if Poe is left alive into the mid and late game then he’s stacked with 2-3 upgrades and can burst a whole charcter down without too much effort. Overkill and Double-Cross along with Reversal I’d say were stars, along with Rearm to help play a big event and a red upgrade turn one. I can’t comment too much on the situation where Poe Dameron - More Than A Pilot goes down first, but I imagine if you’re quick enough to realize that you can start loading up Jyn Erso - Reckless Operative and then all your events will be online until the end game. With her alive the deck has even more damage from hand that can snipe a character before they know what hit them.

sageleader 2

Honestly I think people really underestimate Poe. I have multiple decks with him and he is rarely ever the first target. But his dice are very good, and if you get holdout or Poe's blaster on him he can literally kill a character in 1 roll.

CanadianMerc 56

@sageleader for sure! and his dice are really consistent with all the focus.