Mace/Padme - Aggressive Negotiations | Jackalmen Games

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fortunevoyager 165

Took this deck to my first trilogy event after the set dropped. Had a ton of fun, and I think this deck definitely has some legs to stand on. I thought it's weakness would be 3 wide decks, but it managed to take them down just fine. Below is a list of matches, and card choices through my versions of the deck.

If you want more detailed info, check out my article over at!

Round 1: EWatto/Sentinel Messenger/Wat (Supports) Loss

Round 2: Vigilant jedi/Enfys nest/Enfys marauder Win

Round 3: eMace/K2S0 Win

Second Place Finish behind my Round 1 Opponent.


Ver .01-.02

-1 Soresu Mastery, -1 Soresu Training ,-2 Circle of Shelter ,-1 Deflecting Slash

These cards are part of what I like to call the "Soresu Package". In this particular deck, Resources are being spent on heals/mitigation/and the two big combo cards of the deck. Unfortunately that leaves nothing to spend on this package, so the cards never ended up getting played.

-2 Unfetter

Cool Idea, but I never actually played the card in testing.

-1 Military Camp - Kaller

Great to keep tempo early if you don;t have Padme's Ship, dead after you drop the ship. Went with a much better choice in the end.

+1 Salt Flats - Crait

^ The much better battlefield. Gives you so much versatility, I really can;t understate how important this field is.

+2 Electromagnetic Pulse

+2 Overqualified

+1 Unshackle

+2 Defensive Stance


Ver .02-.03

-2 Overqualified

I resolved my dice too fast to ever actually get use out of this card.

-2 Electromagnetic Pulse

And I didn't expect to see any droids/vehicles at the event, so this was a dead card for my meta.

+2 Sieze the Day

+2 Use The Force


Ver .03-.04

-2 Sonic Detonators

These were place holders until I got better equipment.

+1 Quicksilver Baton

+1 Mace Windu's Lightsaber

6 komentarzy

GregtheBiz 391

What are your 2 Big Combo Cards? Padmé Amidala's Royal Starship and Mace Windu's Lightsaber??

edwardrekishi 168

I told you... SHIELD doesn't negotiate.

kosoluk 1

I see Mace Windu but I don't see many upgrades, why?

fortunevoyager 165


A couple different reasons. This deck was made for an event before the starters came out. That leaves a grand total of 5 upgrades that makes sense for the deck.

Mace Windu's Lightsaber Theres one in the deck, would have had two if I had a second one.

Soresu Mastery and Soresu Training, these were gone over in the article. They just didn't work in the deck.

Quicksilver Baton In the deck

Riot Shield In the deck.

Another reason, is this deck is built around Padme and her damage. Mace is just there to soak damage and get some initial poke down so you can put Target Acquired on who you want.

Usually the first question asked when this is explained is "Why not two Vigilant Jedi?". And that's purly just because I want people to have a choice on who to target. IN the Vigilant Jedi version of the deck, padme is the target in !00% of the games.

FragrantOlives 304

Any changes you'd make to the list after the starters & draft sets released?

Punch Dagger, Republic Jedi Armor, Upper Hand, and Lightsaber all seem like possibilities.

Also, I read in your event summary that you'd run 2x Yoda's Spirit if available. What cards would you consider dropping?