Red Flood

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Echo7 328

I've been thinking about this deck for a while, and here it is. I toyed with running Piett or Phasma elite, but I just think Armored Reinforcement is better value. Sometimes you just cannot draw a TIE Fighter, it functionally gives you an extra card round 1, you save a and it means you can be more aggressive when mulliganning.

Mulligan hard for Testing Procedure or Logistics plus a Megablaster Troopers. The only card I'd hang on to other than those is Riot Shield.

Round 1 is all about s. Try to get out 2-3 TIEs or a Megablaster Troopers before activating Piett to maximise his ability to generate more resources. You should probably have 6-9 resources worth of supports by end round 1, and should have all your TIEs and a Megablaster Troopers by early round 2.

At this point you can go on the offensive. There's 6 damage-from-hand cards: Attack Formation can turn a 1 into a 5 with 4 TIE dice in the field, or you can use it to net 4 to pay for a Megablaster Troopers; Intense Fire nets 2 damage; Make Demands is normally 2 damage (just play it when the opponent has no ).

Card choices:

Removal is cheap though a bit limited: A Sinister Peace, Doubt, Measure for Measure and Electromagnetic Pulse are all free. Rout can normally remove 2 dice for 1 as can The Best Defense. Riot Shield is a game winner - soaking up 3 damage for 1 is epic.

Testing Procedure is great with TIE Fighters. You have a 75% chance of netting a and at the least you've saved yourself an action if you miss. Conscript Squad always activates when you activate a character, and is basically the new DH-17 Blaster.

If you're playing against a ramp deck, consider flipping your dice to at key moments to slow the opponent down.

If you're playing against aggro, you'll have to slow down a little to protect your characters. Try to mulligan for cheap removal in this matchup.

Don't forget if you do draw a TIE Fighter in your starting hand, you can ditch it for a re-roll then pull it with Armored Reinforcement.


2 komentarze

Fromper 130

Firmus Piett - Ambitious Admiral's ability doesn't work with Conscript Squad, because it's not a vehicle or non-unique character die.

Given all the supports, did you consider Tech Team?

Echo7 328

@Fromper you're right, that was my error, have corrected the description accordingly.

I did consider Tech Team. The problem for me was hand advantage. I found myself playing or discarding to re-roll most of hand, so losing a card to gain a advantage not this round but next round felt like a set-back. That's why I went with Testing Procedure and Logistics, because the hand disadvantage is offset by the immediate . I could see myself cutting Testing Procedure though for it, as it's not a guaranteed - I guess more testing would show which is better. It may well be that Tech Team wins, as then I can drop the last TIE Fighter beginning of round 2 and still keep a in hand.