there is a Pryce but the cost is free

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Beleghorn 66

so this is a fun deck to try and make the most of the Vos special. always take your battle field for the free vos special and my favourite Pryce special into 2/3 focus into 2 specials chain. worth playing the senate chamber for that.

in your opening hand you are looking for at least 1 of the 2 cost cards Entangle Hard Bargain Senate Chamber

your hand is fairly unimportant but its nice to have a 2 cost to play round 1. it also maximises your chances of getting higher cost with Vos specials. already pretty high with 18 high cost upgrades/supports and 6 high cost removal plus delve and hard bargain.

Admiral is incredible here. means you can get out up to 4 big supports each round.
if you can play that round 1 or have it in your hand for the delve, its a game winner. (with admiral in hand there's 12% chance of getting the other one or delve on a Vos special, or save your resources and play it round 2, I think its worth holding onto rather than putting back)

all your upgrades/supports are free (maybe pay for the odd one with a darksaber 3 (or 4 with Pryce special) resources) so you can spend resources on mitigation. mitigation is almost the only thing you want to see in your hand.

the deck is low on mitigation but each of the 6 cards will hit hard (don't do a vos special until they have dice in the pool to hit with Dominationetc. I didn't want to dilute the high cost ratio with more mitigation so this is the trade off in the deck. Ewoks ran all over this deck (no dice to remove so made a lot of redundant cards) but its fun against dice decks. if you don't draw something to play in hand round 1 holding resources for a round 2 In The Crosshairs or Admiral is nice. other than admiral or (ground battalion if you need it) just hang onto mitigation cards. ditch all big support cards you just want to play them with the special.

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Fluff 15

I like this idea, just wondering why no zero cost removal for round one or when health is low. Obviously Dryden is the target here and he is gonna get blasted without consistent removal. How about Armor Plating, Riot Shield or Bounty Mask. Also, I like some mill events like Probe and No Answer with this deck to keep opponent off balance and make those damage sides stick. Thoughts?

Beleghorn 66

So my reasoning is that any 0 or low cost mitigation that you don't have in your opening hand is in your deck and it's horrible to draw a 0 cost mitigation card with a Dryden special. The problem with dryden is that his special is unpredictable. So the idea is that there are no cards in the deck you would are unhappy to pull with his special. It's an all or nothing deck. Everything on playing multiple high cost cards per round. Mitigation wise, Wait for your opponent to roll out before you resolve the specials so your entangles crosshairs and dominations do some work if you draw them. I'd consider other 2 cost mitigation. Any recommendations there? Having entangle in your opening hand is nice. Don't need resources for upgrades or supports so spending 2 is ok for removal. Probes are a good call you are vulnerable to Drydens dice being removed but I'd consider Cultural Records first. Higher impact and the cost is less of an issue in this deck. Plus it can be special chained into.