Horrible Bosses

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Wzorowany na
Vader Jabba Control 18 11 4 3.0
Wzorują się
Duke Jabba 1 0 0 1.0
Jabba/Dooku - CrimeLord Mill 0 0 0 1.0
Count Jabba's specials 0 0 0 1.0
Dooku/Jabba Mill 0 0 1 1.0
Lords of Scum and Villainy 0 0 0 1.0
The count and his worm! (Winner 8 people tournament) 3 1 7 1.0

Book 1394

I tried eHutt/Vader mill, and while it was decent, it was lacking. Firstly, in the tournament format, Vader's passive mill is slooooow. Secondly, his cost means a single die, which stinks. Once they off Jabba, you are left with, in my opinion and experience, a vulnerable setup. A pal played eDooku/eHutt and did well with it. I decided to put it together, tweak, and was pleasantly surprised by it.

Dooku provides us with a few options over Vader.

1.) His character ability makes his hp ostensibly higher than Vader's. Shields were something that felt lacking in the other build.

2.) He has a 2 mill side on his die, of which we have two. Sure, it costs a resource, but we want to be clearing the opponent's hand as often as possible, right? The Count helps to double down with Jabba's propensity for doing just this.

3.) He has a single Focus result, which the deck happens to be packing in spades. This helps us to manipulate our dice as needed: milling, killing, and what-have-you.

4.) He has some damage, which is more is like the 35-40% split in terms of primary objective. It is not Vader damage, but the above points make him a better fit.


While the deck is bolstering many standard cards for these colors, there are a few choices that might strike folks as odd/underwhelming. First, let's go over the old standbys.

1.) Lots of Blue Upgrades: The deck uses Sith Holocron. Why? Because it is one of the best, if not the best, card in the game. You want Sith Holocron in your opening hand, but unlike Vader/Raider, you can subsist if you fail to do so.

*The obvious inclusions are Force Choke and Force Throw. Both help to manipulate the opponent's dice while provide some often incidental damage. The former also has a one mill result!

*Mind Probe is a monster of a card with the aforementioned Sith Holocron, though seemingly weird in a deck with this much hand disruption--just remember to pop it off early. Also, we have a strong 2 mill side AND a 3 ranged damage side.

*Immobilize is our last obvious upgrade in Blue. It's more control and much needed shields.

Now, here is where you may be asking,"why the funk is Force Training in this?" It's simple really:

a.) The special is versatile, giving us what we need when we happen to roll it. Shields? Yup. Resources? Yup. Errant damage? Yessir.

b.) It's cheap, which means we can overwrite it for better things down the road in the unfortunate instance of not finding a Holocron.

c.) We can put it on Jabba without Holocron.

d.) We can do some extra damage with the +2 melee and 1 ranged damage sides, at worse.

e.) More focus results!

The last two upgrades are Datapad and Cunning. Both help us abuse the specials on the above dice. The latter has another milling result for throughput. Just suit up your Dooku, as Jabba will inevitably die despite your best attempts to keep him in an otherwise breathing state.

2.) The events, all of them, are die manipulation. Isolation and Electroshock are just strong. Deflect is a great tool against Jango/Veers, Han/Rey, and other gun-toting shenanigans. Feel Your Anger is brutal, when it works. Use The Force is a nice card to play defensively OR once they have claimed for the desired result on your own die. And lastly, Unpredictable is essentially a free potential answer to a bad roll on either side of the table. Many may scoff at this last one, but I want the deck to excel at its charge, not be mired in hypothetical and conditional silver bullets.

When you combine this suite of events with Force Choke, Force Throw, and Immobilize, you have an absurd amount of control. The only bad part of this is that while you are removing and messing with their dice, it can expedite their need to claim--which, with your battlefield, can be turn the milling back on your.

3.) The last thing worth mentioning is the inclusion of My Kind of Scum. I waffled on this last set of cards over and over. After playing with it a handful of times though, I must say I quite like it. It's a nice tool with the high volume of disrupt results. HOWEVER, I am never in a hurry to plop it on the board. It's a great card to drop down when your opponent claims and you have stuff left to do after the fact.

I prefer this support card to a number of more popular and, in my opinion, inferior options.

a.) Thermal Detonator: you do not need this card. It is expensive. There are enough people playing Cunning that you don't want them blowing up your card--that's right, YOUR upgrade dies, not their Cunning--and dealing damage to your two elderly men characters.

b.) He Doesn't Like You: our dice are good. We have a lot of Focus results. We have an arsenal of ways to deal with their dice. We don't just chuck away our dice.

c.) Hunker Down/Hidden In Shadow: too slow. Force Training and Immobilize are the shield outlets here. Dooku has this inherently. Lastly, we have better upgrades. With Sith Holocron, your characters should be outfitted in short order. This means you will not have the room for these. Don't play these!

d.) Power of the Dark Side: again, speed. We have so much in the way of Focus and rerolls. Sure, this pairs amazingly with Sith Holocron, but we are not necessarily trying to snipe characters. We kill when and where possible. We adapt in-game.

e.) Crime Lord: the definition of slow. Also, Jabba is gonna die. Even with My Kind of Scum, this is a slow and often unreliable card that makes you play in a predictable and scripted manner.

If you insist and jamming in a bunch of unnecessary stuff into the deck, the cards I would start with cutting would be My Kind of Scum, Deflect, and/or Unpredictable. Personally, I think redundancy is a good thing. They deck already has versatility in its die results. Playing one random Disarm and/or Thermal Detonator and/or Kylo Ren's Lightsaber will likely just be a card used to reroll. Worse, it could just be a tempo hit you may not notice while in the moment.

That is all! Hope you enjoy!

14 komentarzy

whitis92 1

I like this build but what do you think about lying in wait instead of the electroshock

Book 1394

@whitis92 Electroshock is a powerful control tool. I would never cut it for more discard. I could see it in over something like My Kind of Scum, if you so please, but the deck has ample discard.

prozz 1

do u miss damage dealing cards? like lightsabers? i guess in some matchups it would be prefered way to win. among force throw/deflect/mindprobe few lightsabers could be an improvement, right?

Palumtra 1

Count Dooku is nice, but one must pay attention when and how to use his ability else they gonna mill themselves faster. I still prefer Darth Vader over him, as the automill ability might be slower , but it its free and guaranteed to occur. I changed one Feel Your Anger to Crime Lord because it can eliminate high priority/annoying targets for a cost. Sure it's slow as hell but you can also manage to play it for free if you can put some Blue Upgrades on Jabba the Hutt by using the Sith Holocron (Mind Probe for instance, and also you need to be in a bit of a pole position for this, or you can try using one Ace in the Hole for combo). This deck has less mill speed then a Padme Amidala/Rebel Trooper/Padawan version but in return it is also way more superior in terms of control, I can only agree with your points. :) Nevertheless, this version can be also very decent, but requires more attention and strategic planning (in my opinion).

Book 1394

@Palumtra I don't think the comparison btwn Vader and Dooku is even close. The count is one of the best characters in the game. People are jizzing over Vader/Raider now, but it will die down.

The main point here is a tourney format. What you're describing sounds fine for playing with pals. You are highly unlikely to seal the deal with a plodding strategy in the requisite 35 mins, of which you may get half, if lucky. Crime Lord's real cost is the 5 resources, which you can't skirt around. This is 2.5 turns of resource value. Me thinks if you are leaning on it at any point, esp when you have a high damage character like Darth, you probably already lost.

As mentioned, I am not JUST milling. I am playing mill to begin and then adapting with a bevy of mostly inexpensive flex cards.

Palumtra 1

@BookI agree with your points, especially about Dooku, just wanted to make out some of my own points. Cheers.

Book 1394

@Palumtra no insult intended. I appreciate the comments, though I don't necessarily agree with all of them. May the dice be with you.

Palumtra 1

@Booknone taken :) and may the dice be with you too

Chad Vader 1

@Book I disagree a little about Crime Lord, I was using the Jabba/Vader deck (and thinking about switching to Dooku/Jabba) and after several games, I went 1-5 vs. Jango/Veers. At least on 2 occasions I had 4-6 resources just sitting there and not doing anything. I was even re-rolling the resources results. Especially when I landed a super early My Kind of Scum...

Anyways, not to digress, but I feel like the deck is so tanky, but I couldn't kill Jango before I milled myself... I feel like 1-2 Crime Lord is needed, if only to knock off one character (especially jango, then that deck falls easy).

Chad Vader 1

@Book also Boundless Ambition helps

sipo13 1

@BookHi buddy, really like this deck but i am 1 datapad and 1 electroshock short, what would you say would be a suitable replacement for them?

Book 1394

@Chad Vader I do not like cards that must be drawn in first two hands.

@sipo13 you could play a Comlink and another event of your choice for the interim.

Chad Vader 1

@Book Crime Lord? You are referring to?

Palumtra 1

@Book how about using Comlink instead of Datapad by default? Yes, it costs one more but has a useful on play ability not to mention the 2 focus sides, among others.

Also, after testing him out on a few dozen matches, turns out that you were absolutely right. Count Dooku can survive extreme amount of damage due to his ability, his only counter so far are the decks that bust high damage from a few dies, which we have the answer to, usually. A lot of matches were won by this.