Padme and her posie

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RebelScum 42

Lets start Milling the deck by having the at the Command Center with an Outpost , Jedi Council and Padme Amidala allowing your opponent to chew though their deck without playing any cards.

Protect Padme Amidala with Second Chance and the rest of the squad with health regeneration and sharing damage with Field Medic, Heroism and Draw Attention.

Throw in some resources and we have Datapad, Logistics and Play the Odds.

Now we can discard there hand with Cunning, Force Protection, Mind Probe and Thermal Detonator.

If you don't have your then just use Hyperspace Jump to jump back.

Once you have used Padme Amidala you can get her back in the game again with the help of Strategic Planning with [Scramble] (/card/01161) to mess the little dice the do get on the field.

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